All candidates for each position have now been confirmed (please see below). Due to the COVID-19 public meeting restrictions, and based on legal advice from SMHA’s legal counsel, the March 31, 2020 Election date has been put on hold until a further date – to be announced. To ensure fairness to those already nominated, no further nominations will be accepted. Only the date that members can safely cast their vote for all non acclaimed positions is suspended for now. The Nominating Committee will be monitoring all official updates regarding public meeting restrictions and will take those updates into account to determine when the next date is set. For event updates, please continue to monitor our Association website.

Election will be made by Acclamation as follows:

Vice President 1:             Amar Brar
Vice President 2:             Patrick Chan
Secretary:                         Tuyet Ngo

Election shall be made by ballot for the following positions (election date has been postponed indefinitely and shall be set by the Nomination Committee):

President:                           Jeff Shelton                                    Harinder Jouhal
Vice President 3:             Michael Olaires                              Raj Gill
Vice President 4:             Gloria Voyer                                   Laura Haney
Treasurer:                         Simran Kang                                   Paul Grewal