Hello SMHA Family,


There have been recent media reports, and comments from some U11 and U13 parents, regarding our decision not to select Mr. MacGillivray as a coach for the upcoming season.  It has been suggested that certain events which occurred in February 2023 are the cause of (or related to) his not being asked to coach for Surrey Minor next year.  It is not true.  The matters are not related.


Surrey Minor would not remove a coach (or not allow a coach to return) because they stood up for his or her players in the context of unacceptable comments or behaviours.


We again invite our families to review Rule 11.4 of BC Hockey regarding maltreatment and discrimination. This rule was created to assist in identifying, investigating and ultimately reducing any form of maltreatment within hockey. Maltreatment Information


Surrey Minor considers all relevant matters when deciding who will coach its teams. Many factors are considered, including, but not limited to: acknowledgement and respect for the rules set out by our governing bodies as well as our association, ensuring fair play and equal ice time for all players on the team in particular younger players in all divisions including U11; and any concerns of which a coach was previously made aware as well as a coach’s response to those expressed concerns.


The events of February 2023 played no part in the eventual decision made by the association regarding the upcoming season.  In fact, Surrey Minor lobbied extensively on behalf of Mr. MacGillivray when BC Hockey was dealing with a violation of Hockey Canada Rule 10.8. We believe that the submissions by Surrey Minor helped to limit Mr. MacGillivray’s suspension to only 30 days, whereas under Rule 10.8 suspensions may be indefinite.


Mr. MacGillivray is aware of concerns previously brought to his attention (over the past two seasons) by Surrey Minor. Decisions like these are based on the association’s view of the best interests of all the players, the association’s goals and expectations, and our experience with any potential coach. As it relates to Mr. MacGillivray, we considered all relevant information, weighed our options, and came to a decision which we believe is best for Surrey Minor and its players. Decisions like these are not taken lightly.


Finally, although we understand the decision has caused some unhappiness among some of the U11 and U13 parents, it is not true that Mr. MacGillivray not returning to coach next season is due to the events of February 2023.  It is unfortunate that this inaccuracy has been presented to the media and has circulated in our community. We wish Mr. MacGillivray all the best in the future, both generally and specifically as it relates to his involvement with minor hockey.




SMHA Executive